Group Offerings

I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.
— Mother Teresa

Groups can be immensely powerful in shaping and making sense of our individual human lives, as well as furthering our spiritual growth. Groups provide mutual support, offer us alternative perspectives in the safe container of community and camaraderie, and act as a shared motivating force for beneficial habits and practices. The group connection can also amplify energy, making sessions more intense and effective and drawing each member deeper into their own individual quest for Truth.

Upcoming Group Offerings

Lora is currently offering the following scheduled group experiences (see below). Offerings will be held in person at The Healing Intent property in Encinitas, CA. This magical site is blessed by a powerful energy vortex that enhances intuition, deepens inner experiences and promotes healing and access to Truth. Please contact Lora to find out more about dates and availability.

Developing Intuition Group I Moon Circles I Manifesting Workshop

Customized Group Offerings

In addition to the scheduled offerings below, it is also possible to design and curate your own group experience with your own group members! Please don’t hesitate to contact Lora to put together a bespoke group and/or create your own personalized curriculum for classes, workshops and/or retreats, either in person or virtually. So gather your friends and colleagues from around the globe (or just across town), and create your own shared journey into a higher level of consciousness!


Developing Intuition Group

Each and every one of us has the innate capacity for intuition, for accessing the subtle yet powerful truth that can (and perhaps should) inform and guide us through our relationships, our choices, and our responses to life.

While we all have access to this deepest truth, many of us ignore our inner guidance and instead rely on logic and conditioning to navigate life. This is not surprising as intuition is generally not honored or encouraged in our science-based culture - linear rationality usually wins out hands down over intuitive knowing. But developing our intuition can provide us with an invaluable resource - an inner guidance system that offers immediate direction at any moment, provides insights into the truth of ourselves and others, leads us on our authentic paths, and affords a deeper comprehension into the nature of ultimate reality.

Developing intuition can be like building up an atrophied muscle – it takes time and practice and exercise and faith. It also takes courage – the courage to trust and follow your guidance, even when it doesn’t immediately make rational sense. And of course the ultimate test of faith is choosing to change the parts of your life that your intuition may guide you to change, parts that are not serving you, parts that are keeping you from becoming more authentically who you came into this lifetime to be.

Lora has spent years not only honing her own intuitive abilities but deeply exploring the nature of intuition - its benefits, its challenges, and its purpose. She has successfully taught many others to develop their own inner guidance.

This group offering will be part teaching, part practice, part support, and all growth, healing and fun!

We will meet once a week for 90 minutes for 8 weeks. Notes will be included. The group will be limited to 7 members. The total cost is $700. Please contact Lora to find out more about scheduling and start dates.


Moon Circles

Moon circles are sacred gatherings that recognize and harness the power of major points of lunar cycle phases, typically the full moon and the new moon. Many ancient cultures used the circle to call upon the moon’s divine feminine energy and receive higher wisdom. These modern-day gatherings provide a powerful opportunity for growth, reflection, healing, manifestation and connection.

New Moon Circles

The new moon is all about new beginnings. The dark sky of a new moon evening provides us with a symbolic blank canvas to design and express to the universe that which we want to bring into our lives. On an energetic level, what is going on internally during a new moon is often unconscious, in the dark of shadow, and is not yet ready to be illuminated. It’s a great time to sow energetic seeds for the future (and to initiate new projects!). The new moon circle will help us to articulate our intentions and energetically invite them into our physical reality.

Full Moon Circles

The full Moon is all about completion and making unconscious things conscious. The illuminating energy of the full moon raises our awareness and our ability to receive insights, and highlights anything that needs to be released in order for our intentions to come to fruition.  The energy of the full moon can support and assist us in recognizing and releasing old patterns and belief systems which don’t represent our full Truth. Fears, doubts, insecurities, and stagnant emotions can all weigh us down and block the journey to higher states of consciousness and successful manifestation outcomes! The full moon circle will help us to name and release these areas of our psyche, and to honor and express gratitude for intentions that have materialized.

Moon Circle Protocol

While each gathering will be unique depending on participants, the current astrological cycle and collective planetary energetics, all New and Full Moon circles will normally contain the following elements:

  • Opening Prayer

  • Brief discussion of current astrological and collective energetic influences

  • Guided Meditation to intuitively access personal insights for the evening

  • Ritual of Attraction or Release

  • Discussion, questions and individual insights from Lora

  • Closing Prayer

Moon circles will meet for 90 minutes. Groups will be limited to 10. The cost is $55 per gathering. Please contact Lora to find out more about scheduling and moon circle dates.